How to Create Blogs Free, Easy and Quick

blogger templates
How to Create Blogs Free, Easy and Quick
Artikel Populer Online - How to create blogs Free, Easy and Quick. How do I membuat blog for free? Before outlining the steps to membuat blog, we will first describe briefly about the blog. Blog is the short name of the web blog, which is a web application which form of writing or pictures or a combination of text and images contained or published in the form of a post, on a public web page. Latest post usually loaded at the beginning of the post followed longer. However, the order is not raw, not necessarily the latest posts on the front page. Some blogs put certain posts as the first page. Web Blogs, usually accessible by all Internet users, with a variety of topics. A number of blogs are written with a specific topic or theme, a number of other blogs written in the form of a collection of several topics. Some common functions is a web blog as a diary writer, media promotion of a product or specific programs, for example in the fields of politics, and media interaction program delivery company, loading the news, lately even blog often serves as a commercial medium that could bring in revenue. There are a number of free blog creation services in cyberspace, but with a variety of considerations and advantages, in this article, will only discuss how to create a blog on Google, with facilities blogger.

Why create a blog on blogger?
Since 2002, the service provider of the most popular blog has been acquired by Google. Under the auspices and control of the control of Google, bloggers are now equipped with various amazing features, such as social networking facility services on the rise, which is Google Plus, Google's email facilities are shaded, and the more excited again is a feature of monetization or revenue, which lets you earn great extra income through Google Adsense affiliates.

How to create a blog on blogger
Before heading on how to membuat blog in blogger , you must create an account or Google mail. If you already have a Google account, you can directly open the page, however, if you do not already have a Google account , then you must first create one , click HERE to make a guide or a Google email account. Once your Google account is made, just to the blogger page, click HERE for more rapid . If the first time joined the bloggers, the first page will show Welcome to the blogger, which gives users the option to do the profile settings. Choose according to your wishes. More advisable to choose a G+ profile. On this page you are also given the option of doing the language setting located on the upper right side. So that communication easier, as an Indonesian I suggest to choose Indonesian. See the picture below.

Cara membuat blog

How to Membuat Blog Baru
Will open a new window display which is called the blogger dashboard . List Your blog is empty . How do I create a new blog ? To create a new blog , click the New Blog located on the left side of your browser. See the figure below .

Cara membuat blog

How to make the title and address of the new blog
After clicking on the button New Blog, Blog List window will open > Create new blog
Fill in the title of the new blog topics that will be made, for example, we will create a blog that has a topic of augury , hence the title of the column is loaded on augury, just an example hehehe . The title of the blog should be related to the blog material that will be made, so that users will more easily remember the name of the topic as well as blog.

For the Address field, filled with the url address dikendendaki . Url address should be a word that is easy to remember, making it easier for visitors when typing the url in the browser. Nujum 2013 for example, so that your blog url address is When users write nujum 2013. in the browser, will be directed to the above urul.

Select the desired template, or you can just choose, easy set after the blog was made. If so, click the Create blog ! found on the bottom of the window. For more details, see the picture below.

Cara membuat blog

How to create a new blog has been completed, the live set template
How to create a new blog has been completed. The next step is to set your new blog templeate in accordance with the desired. To set the template, click the small arrow button located on the left and on the right blog View icon two lember paper. After appearing submenu, then select Template. In addition, you can also directly create articles or post / new entries, by clicking the button with pencil drawings. For more details, see the picture below.

Cara membuat blog

A new window will appear in your browser, then click the Customize button to set the template. See the picture below.

Cara membuat blog

Template settings window will appear . There are several functions that can be used for the blog template settings , from the left is the menu background that serves to set the backgroud blog, underneath there is a wide Adjust function to adjust how wide your blog. Then the menu layout to arrange the layout of the blog, in which there are several layout options that can be applied . Underneath there are the Advanced settings, which lets you set the templete detail, ranging from font color, font size, and so on .

Shifted slightly to the right , there is a menu indicating Blog Directly template that is being used today on your blog .

Again shifted to the right, on the top there exist several options that you can use templates, which are Simple, Dynamic Display, Picture Window, PT. Once cool, and others. If you want to change the template, select one of them . On the bottom there is the option Subtemplate.

If the template settings are correct, click Apply to Blog button , then to go back to your blogger dashboard click the Back button to Blogger. For more details, see the picture below.

Cara membuat blog

How to create post / new entry on the blog
How to make a post or a new entry on the blog is easy, just click the button or button on your blogger dashboard. Then you 'll be taken directly on the display screen or the screen making post entry. Content of the articles that have been planned, then click Publish when done. For more details, see the picture below.

Cara membuat blog

Optimize Your Blog With SEO tricks
Once you have a blog , the next step is to perform SEO optimization, so the blog has been created to obtain high traffic from search engines . If not rely on search engines, our blog will be impossible crowded, though you actively promote your blog through social networking and social forums. Our blogs to get a large number of protesters in the search engines, of course we have to have a blog of good quality, so it could be in a strategic position on the search engine search results. Some simple steps you need to do to optimize a blog that was created in order to win the competition with the other blogs in the search results. View more blog material about optimization in SEO Easy Tricks article, How to Optimize Your Blog

Information so we can best serve, hopefully article How to membuat blog gratis , useful for all readers. Thank you for visiting , greeting Artikel Populer Online.

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